
Odds are, if you fly on a somewhat regular basis, your air travel is the largest component of your personal carbon footprint. For some travelers, it has created a sense of shame and alarm. I wrote about what the science says about the climate impacts of air travel and unpacked some of the ethical questions embedded therein.

Raise your hand

Across four hours over two nights, climate change barely received 15 minutes of airtime at the first 2020 Democratic presidential debates. And the time that was devoted to the issue wasn’t spent well. That’s a pretty strong case for why climate change deserves it’s own debate event.

Zunkunft statt Braunkohle

Activists from Germany and Poland met at the border to protest the expansion of coal mining in the region, holding hands to form a human chain. Despite the push for renewables, one German state is considering expanding existing mining for lignite, the dirtiest form of coal. Locals are concerned about losing their homes as these massive open pit mines expand.

The title of the post translates to "A future without lignite," a slogan I saw on a protest sign.

                          A coal-fired power plant and a wind turbine near the Polish border in Germany

                          A coal-fired power plant and a wind turbine near the Polish border in Germany